Von Schrader carpet cleaning systems and supplies are – and always have been – safer for people, pets and the environment.
At Von Schrader, we know how important product safety is to everyone — whether it be our family or yours. That’s why providing only the highest quality, safer and reliable products remains our primary company objective.

To ensure that we continue to deliver on our promise, all Von Schrader carpet cleaning products:
- Utilize highly concentrated products that result in less water waste and reduce landfill accumulation of empty plastic containers by offering bag-in-a-box packaging.
- Feature SDS with some ingredient statements.
- Biodegradable surfactants.
- Contain no volatile organics, nor any harmful indoor or outdoor environmental pollutants.
- Have never contained heavy metals.
- Produce no toxic by-products in the carpet cleaning process.
A computerized formula system controls what ingredients can be ordered, preventing unsuitable substitutions.
Ensuring your quality of life by protecting indoor air quality
The Von Schrader Carpet Cleaning Company strives to produce products that protect indoor air quality with the least impact on the environment. Our products are unique in the carpet cleaning industry, with the lowest water exposure (least damage to natural carpets, less chance of mold/mildew, and allow immediate use).
Providing Safer Detergents
With concerns throughout the world about the breakdown of cleaning products in the environment, at Von Schrader, we’re taking additional steps in product stewardship.
All Von Schrader Anti-Resoil Carpet Detergents reduce waste via their concentration and packaging, have no VOCs, and reduced human & environmental toxicity. Products are made with surfactants that are classified by the EPA and the EU as “readily biodegradable” and meet the EU Detergent Directive.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding these or other environmental problems involving our products, we welcome your comments and will be happy to discuss them with you. Safety Data Sheets are available for all products manufactured by the Von Schrader Carpet Cleaning Company.